Wednesday, April 05, 2006

...Now, Back to That Respect "Thing"

O.k. Hopefully I made my point yesterday about "falling in love with your job".

So, let's talk about this RES-PECT thing. I am dead-on serious about "If I only knew then" with regards to this issue.

Respect the fact that someone "took a chance", when they hired you;

Respect the fact that someone(s) is counting on you to show up on time, and fully prepared (This is especially true if you happen to work at the Air Traffic Control Center in Leesburg ;);

Respect the fact that the type of employee you are today, will dictate the type of employees you have in the future, once you "jump the gap".

Respect the fact that the absolute easiest time in your life to borrow "cheap" money for your real estate deals is when you have a 700+ FICO and a job with at least 3 years history (even if your boss hates you).

Respect the fact that the people you work with now, will be the very same people you want to include on your list a year or two from now to participate in your "Private Lender" Programs, when you are on the outside and "FREE";

But most importantly, respect the fact that No Job is "Promised".
You could very well walk in to your bosses office today and be told "your services will no longer be required", despite the fact you got all "Outstandings" on your last performance appraisal. Ask me how I know about this one...

Final thought:

If you were laid off this afternoon, do you have enough passive income from other sources that you could take your "sweet time" looking for your next job, or would you simply have to take the first thing that came along to "survive"...?

If you are breaking out in a sweat right now, you know what you need to do...

Work a little harder at your j-o-b, and a lot harder on your investing strategy.

Till tomorrow...


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