Monday, April 17, 2006

"Do We Really NEED All The HYPE...?"

I received an interesting email this weekend in response to something I sent out last week.

It really caused me to stop and think, ultimately I decided to share it.

The person must have been having a royally bad day, because he started off saying how much he enjoyed my blog and the content, and that I send it out daily (except for last week), then he laid into me about "...however, it seems that sometimes you resort to hype when attempting to get your point across. This offends me, and causes me to question your integrity..."

He is entitled to his opinion.

But again, his email did get me thinking. He is right! There is a lot of "hype" when it comes to information we all get, and some of us share with regards to real estate education and information. You just have to watch cable TV between 2:00 AM and 6:00 AM. and we all laugh about the real estate infomercials, and then secretly wait up at night to catch that one commercial, one more time, and the phone number -> then go order it.

"Sherman, are you telling me that you have actually ordered a real estate product from late night TV...?"

Of course I have!!

And somewhere in my negotiating, or acquisition tactics over the years is that small piece of what I learned from the late night course, combined with everything else, showing up in the portfolio or profits in a bank account.

"o.k., so some of that stuff is legit, but do we really need the hype...?"

Before I answer this, let me ask you just one question:

Are you the type of person who shoots up straight out of the bed each morning well in advance of when you NEED to get up and get about your day, or do you use an alarm clock...?

Is the alarm clock sometimes "loud and obnoxious"?? So, why use it? Why not just let nature take its course and get up when it "feels good"?


The truth of the matter is that some people do not use an alarm clock. They either have the self-discipline to go to sleep early and therefore wake up refreshed when the body says "let's go", or they have a genuine zest for life. Spending each night dreaming about what tomorrow will be, and then springing out of bed each morning without the aid of an alarm clock.

For these folks an alarm clock would be a waste of money. In fact an alarm clock would be simply a "loud and obnoxious" device next to their bed, and doing without is just fine with them. One less contraption required in an already complicated life - "Throw the dumb thing out, along with the coffee pot - we don't need no stink'n caffein!" A member of a select group of people who needs zero stimulus. A select group that simply sees something once and immediately understands the wisdom of doing a thing and then just going out and doing it!

Others (as in the majority of us) need an alarm clock.
We probably also need the automatic coffee pot with the high octane caffein set to go at "O'Dark Thirty".
We also may be the ones who do well with the assistance of a coach or mentor, and from time to time need to be coaxed. This group not only sees the wisdom of doing something, but also recognize and provide for their own circumstances, and choose to place an alarm clock by their bedside table to assist in "getting the motor running" in the morning.
With each and every story we hear on the infomercials we too get, "juiced".

"Do we NEED the Hype...?"

Or more specifically, do we NEED the Hype associated with real estate information...?

For some the answer is NO WAY!

For others it is ABSOLUTELY!

And for many it is simply "Some times".

For these two latter groups, the "hype"- is the thing that reminds us to do what we already promised ourselves we would do.

It is our "alarm clock".

... one guy's opinion.


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