Friday, May 26, 2006

"... It Never Ceases to Amaze Me..."

Andrew Carnegie discovered "IT",
Napoleon Hill get's credit for first discussing "IT", in public.
Earl Nightingale hammered home the importance of "IT" No, actually he said, the "VITAL importance" of IT.

... But it never ceases to amaze me, seeing "IT" - in action.

I flew to Springfield, Ohio earlier this week to see my friend Alan Cowgill, and talk about my upcoming private placement for some of our commercial deals in the pipeline - it was suppose to be a quick day trip, but actually wound up being two full days.

Yup, TWO FULL DAYS - The amazing thing is that we did not use up two precious days talking about raising money!

Now, your sitting there saying to yourself, "Sherman, how in the world could you waste the opportunity to have the Master of Money Raising in a face-to-face setting for TWO DAYS and not use all of it discussing raising money...???"

We started down that path, and then "IT" took over - and it was AMAZING when "IT" happened.

IT - is the power of the Mastermind.

Yes, just two guys in a room (actually for some parts of the two days Alan did have one of his key people join us) and the Power of IT - The Mastermind - showed up. As we got to discussing our businesses, Alan began to share with me some of his most successful strategies, which opened a door for me to do the same. Before either of us knew it, we were both discussing future plans and more importantly we both began to revise some of those plans based on hearing ourselves talk about our business challenges and opportunities with someone else who faces the similar opportunities/challegnes each and every day.... It was INCREDIBLE.

Then a very strange third thing happened - we both started coming up with ideas for making massive amounts of money, by changing and improving upon things we are doing right now, and it flowed like water...

Fortunately, for both of us, Alan had one of his guys set up a tape recorder in the room so I could have both a checklist and a a tape of our session together when I went home. I thought I was going to have a ton of good stuff on raising money, instead I now have a complete road map for several business ideas, as does he - the power of the Mastermind.

I have been hearing about the power of a good mastermind group for years. I actually pay money to be included in a very strong top-level mastermind group that meets four times a year, but it still never ceases to amaze me how powerful it is even when just two friends get together and start opening up about their challenges and opportunities in business and set aside the time to really discuss these things in depth.

If you are not going to the REIA club meetings, you are missing the boat! And if you are not seeking out people at your level (and above) to "mastermind" with, then your business is never going to be where you dream it should be.

Aggressively seek out opportunities to be in a room with "Like-Minded" people for a dedicated period of time, and be willing to open up. It is amazing what can happen when the "mastermind" takes over, and what both (all) of you will come away with.


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